Cooperativa de Educação Ambiental REPENSAR

PROFILE: The Repensar Environmental Education Cooperative, hereinafter referred to as CEAR, is a private law entity comprised of seven founding members. It operates under cooperative laws and is founded on principles of voluntary membership, democratic management, economic participation, autonomy, independence, education, training, information, inter-cooperation, and community interest. CEAR was established following the dissolution of the Ntumbuluku Environmental Education Cooperative (2014 – 2018). Some resources and activities were transferred from Ntumbuluku to CEAR. The primary objective of CEAR is to offer environmental education services that foster a novel and innovative environmental paradigm. FOCUS AREAS CEAR’s fundamental focus areas include: a) Formal Environmental Education — This involves direct intervention in schools and other educational and training institutions through intervention plans, lectures, conferences, fairs, exhibitions, ecological projects, and other environmentally educational activities. b) Informal Environmental Education — This involves community, corporate, or institutional level interventions through cleanliness campaigns, communication, and marketing assistance using technological and physical means, and the promotion or participation in lectures, conferences, fairs, exhibitions, and other activities aimed at sensitizing, educating, and raising awareness about environmental issues. c) Zero Waste — This involves interventions at all societal levels to foster a mentality of adopting principles and practices of waste reduction and comprehensive waste recovery, thereby reducing indiscriminate waste disposal in the environment and reliance on waste bins or landfills. d) Studies and Research — Given the diversity of environmental issues that arise and affect the country due to the dynamics of social life, we aim to be part of the solution through the exploration of investigative science. Experience has shown that openness and sensitivity to environmental issues have been garnering the attention of an increasing number of citizens and companies in the country. This presents an opportunity to capitalize on national funds for the promotion of environmental education and awareness initiatives. The key idea is to engage more citizens and companies in supporting initiatives for the protection, conservation, and enhancement of the environment, through the acquisition of services and goods that promote environmentally legal, correct, and beneficial attitudes for the entire community.

Type of organization: ngo