Los Observatorios Ciudadanos del Agua. Comunidades organizadas en la acción por nuestros ríos

Los Observatorios Ciudadanos del Agua. Comunidades organizadas en la acción por nuestros ríos

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The Citizen Water Observatories-CWOs in Costa Rica are a communitarian civil action for our rivers, in which grassroots organizations, private sector, educational institutions, local water managers and other stakeholders conduct several activities in their communities for our rivers’ conservation, namely, mud spheres festivals, reforestation and rivers cleansing campaigns, environmental education activities (nature sightseeing, macroinvertebrates workshops, natural history walks, recycling campaigns, bird watching, among others). These endeavors gather 120 CWOs all across Costa Rica and carry out their environmental actions for their water bodies on a regular basis all year round. Thereby, by getting our activity registered on this year´s World Fish Migration Day, we are committed in executing a wide array of activities through the CWOs on the day of the event, which will be duly documented.

Additional Details

Name of contact person - Ricardo Valverde Sánchez

Country - Costa Rica

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2024-05-25 to

Registration End Date


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