L’Oir, support aux activités de recherche sur les migrateurs
Frédéric Marchand, Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique (INRA)
Nivelle River’s fish migration
Oliver Briard, AAPPMA Nivelle Côte Basque
Affiche WFMD 2016
The “AAPPMA Nivelle and Bask Coast” organized a discovery day about Nivelle River’s fish migration at “Uxondoa” trap station in Saint Pée sur Nivelle
Between « scientific research » and « river restoration works”, come and discover the Bresle river and its migratory fish. // Entre « recherche scientifique » et « travaux de restauration des cours d’eau », venez découvrir la Bresle et ses poissons migr
Pierre Morinelli, Aquarium La Rochelle (France) and the Charente and Seudre Migratory Committee
For the WFMD a conference was proposed by the Aquarium La Rochelle (France) and the Charente and Seudre Migratory Committee
For this occasion we inaugurated in the Aquarium exhibit, an educational wall dedicated to migratory species such as shad, eels and European sturgeon.
Three fishway visit events
Eric Buard, Cellule Migrateurs Charente Seudre and Fédération de Pêche 18
It was a great moment for use particularly on the 21 ! We made 3 events (4 in previous but one (the visit of the fishpass of Crouin (Charente) with my colleagues Audrey Postic-Puivif and François Albert) was aborted beacause of vandalism in the pass few days before !!!!)The 3 events :– Visit of the eels pass in Saujon for “elected persons exclusively” (17 may)
– Conference at the Aquarium of La Rochelle (18 may)
– Visit of the eels pass in Saujon for “General public” : about 40 persons (on the saturday 21th)
Venez découvrir la richesse du patrimoine halieutique du Couesnon et des affluents!
Oliver Morazé, AAPPMA La gaule antrainaise
In Antrain you could have a discovery of Couesnon’s fish heritage, a science, expositions, and a river restoration visit